I'll check if I can make some time for it. I'm on a project now where we want to use Anchor modeling.
Actually we are thinking on adding a generated uuid/guid (the modeler can generate them on creation) on the AM objects and maybe some extra additional key/value properties to be able to add extra properties on the AM objects via the modeling tool. An extra popup in the context menu for adding the 'extended' properties we could add.
Should we add them to the 'metadata' tag or introduce an extra tag?
The guid's we want to use in a repository to store the AM objects and identify them. Maybe we model only subsets in an AM and then later combine them to 1 big AM model. It is just some brainstorming we are doing. We want to build-up some lineage from source->AM->AM-views.
Also thinking about a kind of mapper for an AM. The idea is to show the AM in tree-form on the left side and then map it to the target or source on the right side. If I have some time I'll make a sketch of it.